His name is HUSSEIN AHMED NUR, Member of legal associations in BANADIR REGION, He graduated at Mogadishu University- department of law , worked temporarily as volunteer Banadir Regional Courts, Mr. Hussein is currently working with CED /EU JUSTICE project as paralegal. It is the first time that Mr Hussein gain direct law education after the University graduation, though he worked temporarily as volunteer with Banadir regional court, his access to becoming professional lawyer was quite hard and long way, untill when he applied Paralegal recruitment under CED JUSTICE Project where, he and other 15 members were selected as Paralagals and thereafter engaged under contract of 12
months to work and gain skills and knolwdge on Law issues. As a matter of Fact, “CED helped me a lot he said, I participated a practical Capacity building trainings on legal
education particularly all issues that speciically related on my field of work as paralegal includding
undertakign and critically analyzing the legal institutions, legal framework, access to justice, human
rights, the constitution and the Penalty codes, the protection and the rule of law , since, I started to
work as paralegal with CED Implemented and EU funded project, I have been engaged on regular
assigment to assist project legal advisors/lawyers in the delivery of legal services particualry in law
firms, court hearings, prison and politice station, IDPs camps and others where I visited and worked
routine durign my performance as Paralegal. I have also been exposed to further learning at law firms,
corporations, the government institutions while under assignment by the lawyers to colllect
information, analysiis and share with my superior lawyers in the required legal standard forms He
Moreoer, we the paralegals recrutied by CED are to higher standard empowered to stand up firmly to
work in the legal aid activities, this would not have been possible without CED capacity buildongs on two
rounds/sessions, where we received skill upgrading and practical hands on assignments that directly
relate to our profession as future lawyers..
According to our undestanding and knowledge we gained from the paralegal training and assignments,
we clearly note that Justie is not served according to requried standard, this is due to weak institution
and no reinforemcent due to various reasons, one of the key challenge being Interference in court cases
that take place both at the higher annd local leval adminstrations, where, cases of power abuse ramein
high. Additionally, arbitrary arrest and detaining people indifinately also are practical experienes we
came across to identify as big challenges to improvemen of justice. Police Investigation are not effective
since manipulation of investigation and corruption leaves the system open to abuse and become less
effective. This resulted that power full people access justice accordingly in their own format, and poor
and less advantaged people suffer the consequence of unfair treatment and justice at the hands of legal
workers etc. We as Paralegals are willing to be part of solution to the current justice problem and hope
as we grow full lawyers, our focuses will not be just legal workers and legal aid workers whose goal are
to help our justice system grow and reach the international standards of legal delivery to our
On the other hand, during my paralegal work with CED, I have participated national exams for
recruitment legal works mainly as Judge in Somalia’s Legal Institution, I have successfully won all the
test for recruitment for the judge, Thanks to CED and European Union for their support in helping us as
Paralegals, I will be starting to work as Judge under the Ministry of Justice in September 2020, that will
be after my paralegal work with CED ends.
I am finally thanks to CED and European UNION for coming up with such valuable initiative in reviving
the legal system in Somalia that currently passing through its most difficult stages for institutional
development and human rights violation consistency that is taking in many forms across many parts of
our country