35 old SACIIDO AYUUB MOHAMED lives with her family in BURFULLE Village in rural Jawhar District –Middle shabelle-somalia, where many families make a living by farming Maize ,rice, vegetables, or other crops. Day after day, SACIDO and her fellow small-farmers were working hard in their fields, but they were not producing enough food. How were they supposed to feed their
families and overcome poverty without good harvests Farmers were trained in new agriculture
techniques to help them increase their crop yields.
Despite very difficult circumstances , SACIIDO is so confidence and ambitious ,however her last
three harvest have been disappointing , as she could not access good quality seeds and wasn’t
aware of farming techniques , that would give her crops the best chance of flourishing .
“I learned about environmentally-friendly agriculture practices, such as composting, seeds
preservation. By using organic fertilizer, I could help to increase the fertility of the soil, before
could not access good quality seeds and wasn’t aware of farming techniques.” SACIIDO added.
CED is committed to helping small farmers have enough food for their families and earn extra
income through sustainable agriculture practices that protect and nourish the land. Almost half
the world’s farmers are women, but they receive only 5% of farmer education and
improvement services worldwide.
Agricultural training equipped and financial supported SACIIDO to see new ways forward for the
farmers in her community. With great excitement, she started to put what she had learned into
practice. She began growing vegetables, maize, beans on her small plot of land—. Her husband
was glad to help her with this new endeavor
“By applying what I learned through CED, I became a successful farmer, I believe and hope that
all local farmers will become successful farmers in one day also CED has done great work for us.
They have taken care of all the capacity building on agricultural practices, and farming
techniques, also I learned how to cultivate the plots. Before, we were not aware of many
things. Now we are able to professionally collect seeds and know how to market. We are also
more aware of how to help our family,” she added.
Today, SACIIDO continues to thrive and she is a strong leader. As one of trained peer farmers in
her community, she finds great joy in training and mobilized new farmers in techniques that
help give them enough food for their families.
“I Thank CED, they gave me a create an opportunity, I worked hard to develop my farming skills,
I will expect to earn more money and in turn transform my family lives. In the near future I will
expect to take new role as businesswomen rather than a subsistence farmer. She concluded.