2- Food Security & Livelihoods
In line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, CED has in the past 15 year period promoted & contributed to alleviating & reducing poverty in a sustainable manner through Food Security & Livelihoods Interventions. These included, but not limited to: Emergency & Livelihoods Response Projects on food security and food production schemes through provision of farm inputs (cereals, pulses & vegetable seeds), tools, land tillage with tractors & farmers’ training on Good Agricultural Practices; cash programs – cash grants, cash relief, cash for work
construction and rehabilitation of productive infrastructures/assets, e.g. canal-de-silting culverts, sluice gates construction & rehabilitation, digging & rehabilitating water catchments, construction of latrines & promotion of public sanitation & good hygiene practices, feeder roads rehabilitation, market shelters, etc. Such interventions were aimed at generating & encouraging alternative livelihoods while enhancing and/or strengthening community capacities in resilience to withstand nature shocks in the future. Most, if not all, livelihoods projects implemented so far are sustained to-date thanks to community participation, contribution in kind & cash and collaboration. See also notes on CED current & past projects implemented on page # 21 below)