29 years old ABDI MAKTUB ABDULLAHI a Farmer who benefited with fodder crops inputs in SHIIDLE BARI Village,
Middle shabelle-somalia. As interviewed by SSF partner CED staff, is one of the farmers in SHIDLE BARI Village –jowhar district. With one hector of land and couple of animals in his land, he is among the first people to realize the importance of the project.
“Due to lack of stable income, I have struggled to pay for my children’s education, my daughter
Fatima aged seven was recently sent home from school, because of unable to pay the school
fees. Now iam seeing the first results from my involvement in the project. I have received
trainings from SSF with partner CED, they helped me in farm inputs and household needs, I can
say my kids are able to go to school thanks this support”. ABDI added.
It is all different for ABDI and his family. I asked him how different it is from the years back and
he tells me “the only reason we were moving from our villages was because of lack of food for
our families now we have everything that we ever needed I can’t believe we are having this
project in our door step”. ABDI added
“After receiving the seeds, I planted them in my farm and I later was able to harvest much more
quantities in contrast to the previous harvest periods. I will expect to cover my other family
needs. “ABDI Added
Looking very happy and enthusiastic about the project Abdi also shared with us what he is
expecting out of the project. I will sell it in the market .As far as yield is concerned, “I sincerely
thank CED for making this dream possible,” He added
Abdi’s neighbors were also amazed to see how well his farm was doing, and how much it had
grown. So he shared his new-found knowledge on vermicomposting with them and watched as
they successfully used the techniques on their own farms.
Abdi is pleased with his new skills in farming and he feels proud he could not only feed his own
family but also help his community. He is grateful to CED for the training he received, and that
his family is flourishing with enough to eat.
“I harvested a lot , I will expect to get With a good market , that ii will be able to get through
growing futures, I will be able to sell my produce to earn income, and I hope that our family
will go back to having normal life like other people” ABDI Concluded